Privacy & Cookies

Cascina Marenco di Stefano Frattini will protect the personal information sent by the visitors and customers via the website. Such information is considered confidential and will be used only to contact you back or manage booking requests.

In compliance with D. Lgs 30 Giugno 2003 n.196, we inform you that:

The treatment of the gathered information is strictly finalized to post-sale assistance and consequent commercial and/or legal fulfillments. The personal information will not be sold, nor communicated to third party people. The personal information is mandatory in order to complete the sale process and to guarantee post-sale assistance. If the mandatory personal information is missing, we will be unable to:

guarantee the personal information treatment during the sale and post-sale processes;
guarantee the correct use of the personal information for administrative or legal purposes.
The gathered information treatment is responsibility of Cascina Marenco di Stefano Frattini.

A cookie is a brief text sent by a website to your browser. The cookies let us save anonymous information about your visit, like when you last logged into our website. The use of cookies can simplify your next visit and make the navigation more comfortable. The cookies are important: without them, the Web may be a frustrating experience. The following are the cookies used by

THIRD PARTY COOKIES uses the Google Analytics service to anonymously gather informations about website visits (for instance number of visits, time of visits and the visitor’s behavior). If you don’t want Google Analytics to collect data about your visits, you can disable it by following this quick guide: doesn’t have control on third party cookies and on the data collected: the collected data is managed directly by the owner of the service and regulated by the corresponding privacy policy.

By using the website you give permission of collecting data with third party technical cookies.

Depending on your browser, you can disable navigation cookies by reading the following guides. Warning! By disabling cookies you will not be able to use a lot of online services and websites.

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